Friday, September 30, 2011

September Breakfast

Fellow Ministers in the SoTac,

Jim, Rich, John, Jeff and I (Ken), had a great breakfast this morning at Celebration Christian Fellowship. El Jeffe, (which I think means 'the chief" in spanish, or maybe chef, who knows?) cooked up some good biscuits and gravy. Thanks brother for the hospitality.

It was good to sit around the table and hear how the summer had gone for us as pastors and parents. It was also good to talk about eating pigs feet, playdo and sea cucumbers (you had to be there).

Our next gathering is set for Wednesday, October 12th at 8:30 at Manitou Park Presbyterian (6613 S. Cheyenne St., right next to the park and school). The plan is as follows:

8:30 Eat and check-in
9:00 Question of the day, "What have our congregations done that has worked (not worked) to reach out to with the love of Christ to the youth in South Tacoma?"
9:30 Local issues
9:40 Pray

Finally, it was good to close in prayer. Jim asked if there were in fact ways that their church could pray for other churches. So, here's the challenge: List a prayer request you have for your congregation and post in the reply section of this blog post. We'll keep it going for the people who want to pray for one another.

Grace and Peace,

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