Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June Breakfast

Fellow Ministers in the SoTac (I saw a shirt that had SouTac on it, which do you like better? Or perhaps another one?) Good breakfast this morning. Big thanks to Bill for hosting and for providing both the options for refined sugar (donuts) and natural (apples). This is the one case where choosing the fruit is not the sin (not saying that choosing the donuts was, mmmm).

Good time of sharing thanks for the discussions our congregational joys and struggles led to. Let's keep one another in our prayers. Given John's obvious excitement over his mentor's book series, I thought I'd list the title of the first book and author here. It is called The Genesis Genealogies and his by Rev. Abraham Park. Good luck as you good news this book.

Our next gathering is set for:
Wednesday, July 6th at 8:30 at Celebration Christian Fellowship just off 56th on the hill (where Jeff his the children's minister and we eat biscuits and gravy).

Bill will bring the question which is: "How do you preserve fruit?" In other words, how do we help newcomers integrate into the congregation and grow in Christ to bear fruit?

Grace and Peace,

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