Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feb Breakfast Recap

Fellow Ministers in SoTac,

Great thanks to John and his talented church member who fixed some dang good crossaint sandwiches. Yumm. In addition, the Korean coffee is always a treat. Thanks.

Originally, I'd thought I would miss the morning as my wife is due on Feb. 5th. But as of the writing of this recap, the baby is still hanging out in the warmth of the womb. Thanks for your prayers.

The Word
While stuffying our 'cakeholes' we started to share any reflections we'd had from the Word. What followed was a pretty cool sharing of insight. Kaj shared about a passage from Acts 11:27 in which despite the prediction of a severe famine, the believers in Antioch took up a collection to help out those in Judea. Rich shared about some of his digging into the Psalms with Psalm 38 during which David 'fesses up' and then really experiences God's grace. John talked a bit about the ways God motivates us, stick, carrot and ultimatley love. I talked a bit about the questions I think we all ask in in some way. Is God real? If so, does this God have power to change things? If so, does this powerful God care anything about me? Psalm 62 gave me some hope in the answer to these questions. Each one of these reflections was like a gold mine and is impossible to recap completely here.

Next, we started to answer the question, "What is our agenda?" I confessed, as I mentioned in the previous post, that if I have an agenda it is simply for us, as Pastors in South Tacoma, to continue meeting so that we might build enough trust between one another that when God presents us with an opportunity or challenge uniquely suited for us to collectively address that we would be united enough to faithfully do so. Okay, that is perhaps worded a little better than what I said on Wednesday. Others echoed this sentiment, but added a couple of other words to their agendas such as 'comraderie,' 'mutual support,' 'reminder we aren't alone,' and 'prayer.'

We closed our time in prayer and I want to officially offer my apologies to Jeff for cutting him off at one short prayer. I was confused and I am sorry. I promise folks will be allowed to pray more than once next time. :).

Next Breakfast
Wednesday, March 4th 8:30 at Puget Sound Christian Center

Shaloma in South Tacoma, Ken

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