Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February Breakfast

Thanks to Rich and Evangelical Reformed for hosting us this morning.  I was able to resist eating a cruller for about 5 minutes before I gave in and began dunking it.  One thing we don't promise as ministers in South Tacoma is to help one another lose weight.  We'll save that for other groups.

Our conversation ranged in a  few directions this morning as John, Rich and I updated one another on how things are going with our families and lives.  Each of us have families that are maturing as both John and Rich have daughters preparing to head off to college while I my youngest is turning 3 today.  Hearing about college preparations helps me appreciate 3 year birthday party preparations.  We also talked at various points about sabbath keeping, blogs in the church and loving our congregations.  All good stuff.

A few opportunities emerged from the gathering and I'll just list them here:
1.  Rich and his church are hosting The Art of Marriage class on March 9 and 10.  The cost will be just $35 and includes a booklet and food.  IF you are interested then go to  It looks like a really good class for married or even soon to be married folks.

2. Manitou Mentors.  James Neil, assistant principal at Manitou Elementary is setting up an evening for the young men in the school to come for an evening and get some positive influence from adult males.  This is an easy way to get involved helping at the school.  If you are interested, shoot me an e-mail and I'll connect you with James.  The first event is on Friday, February 24th from 5-7.

3.  YFC fostercare.  Life Center is hosting a luncheon on Wednesday, February 23rd at 12:00 to share ways the church can support foster care through Youth For Christ.  E-mail Bobby Arkils if you're interested in attending.

Our next breakfast will be on Wednesday, March 14th at 8:30 at Manitou Park Presbyterian.  Rich will be bring the question, but not the book to raffle off as he already gave John and I a copy of "Mother Kirk"  Thanks.

Peace, Ken

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