Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October Breakfast

Thanks to John at Green Pastures for hosting us this morning.  I always enjoy the coffee mix but I can't tell you how happy my taste buds were when I starting chomping that pumpkin muffin on the way to a meeting.  The only downside were my regrets for not taking one of the cranberry-orange muffins.  Those were really good, oh yes and the meeting was too.

It was good to catch up and hear how well things seem to be going with our respective churches/ministries.  Also thanks for the chance to discuss the question, "Do our churches tend to mostly attract the folks who already seem to fit?"  I can't speak for everyone else, but it was a helpful conversation for me.

Blessings on the rest of your Octobers and we'll meet again on November 13th at 8:30 at Zion's River.

Grace and Peace,

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