Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December Breakfast

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity..." (Psalm 133)  Brian, and the Psalmist's prayer captured the nature of our gathering this morning.  For the past year Brian, Tony and several other south end pastors have been doing what our cadre of South Tacoma pastors have been doing for several years; meeting, eating, sharing and praying for one another to build trust so that we might be better able to respond when God calls.  This morning we joined those two groups together and though there was no 'oil running down anyone's beard' it was good.  (A quick aside; the fact that our group is male dominated is unintentional, we look forward to welcoming some sisters some day as well.) 

Thanks to Rich for hosting, good luck finishing all of those donuts.  We also look forward to meeting again in January.  Keeping with the spirit of unity, the South Enders are going to return the favor and host our next meeting.  We'll meet on Thursday, January 10th for lunch at 12:00 at the church Brian pastors, Hope Community Church at 158 S. 46th Street, Tacoma, 98414.  Here is the link to their website.

Til then, Happy Advent and Merry Christmas!

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