Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May Breakfast

Ain't nuthin like a red bean pastry to get ya going in the morning.  Big thanks to John for hosting this morning.  I always look forward to the unique and tasty treats we'll find on the table.  I'm also already looking forward to lunch at HoSoonYi (or wherever we end up). 

We had a good conversation around the question, "What is the best way to parent PKs? (preacher's kids)"  You'll have to wait for the book to come out to hear our answers as I think we had some pretty good collective wisdom.  Thanks for the conversation.

Our next breakfast is set for Wednesday, June 13th at 8:30 at the Youth For Christ office on Center Street.  Ken, you can thank Adam for signing you up.  It was great to have Adam with us this morning as he moves deeper into his role of Campus Life/Chaplain at Gray Middle School.

Shaloma in South Tacoma,

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