Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November Breakfast

Biscuits and Gravy good enough to make you slap your granny. Jeffe, my arteries may not like it, but my stomach thanks you. Good stuff.

Thanks to Jim and Jeff at Celebration Christian Fellowship for hosting us this morning. Did I mention that we had biscuits and gravy? Did I mention they were good? Oh yes, and we also had a really good conversation. Our conversations, as in the past few gatherings, have focused in two areas; Community opportunites and Church/Personal happenings. Here is a brief recap.

Community Opportunities:
1. CCF has started a new 1st Friday outreach event called "Encounter." In the words of Jim, if you want to chase after God then you'll appreciate this gathering. Its at CCF every first friday starting at 7:00

2. Puget Sound Christian Center has collection plates (donations not included) for anyone who wants them.

3. Ken Schmidtke of Youth For Christ joined us this morning and gave us an update on the Campus Life at Gray Middle School. Their first club had over 30 kids and their second club starts today at 2:45.

Church/Personal Happenings.

The stated vision of the South Tacoma Pastors is "As ministers in South Tacoma, we desire to develop trust between one another so that when God presents us with an opportunity or challenge that is uniquely suited for us to collectively engage that we would be united enough to faithfully do so." To that end, building trust, we've decided that at each of the next several breakfasts one of us will share our 'call story.' This will be followed by a time of questions and dialogue. Big thanks to Jim for sharing his this morning. It was really helpful to hear more about how God worked in his life to bring him to this place at this time. Join us next time to hear Rich Hamlin share his story.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 13th at 8:30 at Manitou Park Presbyterian.

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