What a great way to begin the Fall. After getting fueled up on donuts and coffee, Rich, Ken, Jeff, John and myself went out (5x5 in this case instead of the 2x2 Jesus sent his disciples) to pray for Manitou Park Elementary, Gray Middle and Mt. Tahoma High. After praying in front of each school we dropped off a letter to the respective principals letting them know who we are, that we'd prayed for their school and offering our help as it may be needed.
I appreciate the chance not only to pray for these schools but also to walk and talk with some co-laborers here in the community. Walking and talking, it seems like I remember something about some folks doing that on the road to Emmaus at some point. Hopefully our eyes were opened in some small or large manner.
The next gathering will be on Wednesday, October 10th at 8:30 at Zion's River where I think we might just get some biscuits and gravy (no pressure Jeff.)
Grace and Peace,