Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 2014 Breakfast

Thanks to Ken and Adam for hosting us at the YFC office.  Coffee, donuts AND fruit!  Thanks guys (and yes Ken I did go back for some grapes.) 

The depth of our sharing in personal and pastoral situations is an encouraging indication of the trust we're building between one another.  Thank you for the prayers gentlemen. 

After prayer we spent some time discussing the meeting Rich, John and I had with Talana Penton at the Tacoma School District central office.  She had responded to a letter we dropped off at the schools during our prayer walk at the beginning of the school year.  We'd offered to help in any way we could.  She asked how we'd like to help.  What followed was a good discussion about where our strengths might match their needs.  The one area we agreed upon was to serve as emergency grief or tragedy counselors.  Other than that we agreed to explore the idea with the rest of the group.  This is what we explored at this morning's meeting.  How might we respond to the invitation of the school district to be more involved in the success of the South Tacoma schools?

The answer we landed upon was Point Break.  Click here to read more about it.  We're going to explore this possibility and discuss it at our next meeting.  Which is now on Wednesday, February 5th at 8:30 at Manitou Park Presbyterian.