Friday, April 15, 2011

April Breakfast Recap

Fellow ministers of the SoTac, Here is a brief recap of our last breakfast. Thanks to John Kim for hosting at Green Pastures, the Korean pasteries were excellent (sorry Rich for taking the last of the kind, but I hear the vegetable one and bean paste ones were still pretty tasty). Check-in. I'll leave our 5 minute updates to to confidence of the present group, but simply say thanks for sharing and allowing us to pray for one another. Question. We all read the Tacoma Weekly article "The middle years" and then Ken Schmidtke (YFC) brought us the question, "What do South Tacoma churches have to do with South Tacoma schools?" After a good discussion we were left to consider if there is some way we might be more specific in sharing God's shalom in and through the schools. Prayer. Good time of prayer. Next meeting: Next breakfast is on Wednesday, May 11th at Evangelical Reformed Church, just off 74th Street. If no one comes up with a question, Rich promises to sit and read from Calvin's Institutes in French for the full 30 minutes.